Ghati pati


سئو و بهينه سازي وبسايت براي موتورهاي جستجو به خصوص گوگل اهميت خيلي زيادي دارد و منجر به افزايش بازدهي و جذب مشتريان بيشتري مي‌شود.

سئو وبسايت مجموعه فعاليت‌هايي است که به منظور عملکرد بهتر و نتيجه عالي‌تر سايت انجام مي‌شود. البته اين فرآيند مهم به راحتي قابل انجام نيست و نياز به علم، دانش و تخصص لازم دارد. موتور جستجوي گوگل دائما تغييراتي را در رتبه بندي خود ايجاد مي‌کند تا نتايج مفيدتر و کاربردي‌تري را به نمايش کاربران در آورد. از همين رو سئوکاران و کارشناسان سئو بايد همواره اطلاعات خود را در زمينه سئو و الگوريتم‌هاي گوگل به روز نگه دارند و با رعايت نکاتي اصولي و قابل توجه بهترين نتايج را براي مشتريان خود رقم بزنند.

خدمات seo اشاره به هر فعاليتي دارد که براي بهبود عملکرد و افزايش اعتبار يک وب سايت انجام مي‌شود. اکنون زمان قرن ديجيتال و تکنولوژي است از همين رو همواره به بهينه سازي رتبه سايت، افزايش فروش و بازديد نياز است. گوگل همواره براساس عوملي مانند، کيفيت سايت، رضايت کاربر و محبوبيت آن جايگاه موتورهاي جستجو را تعيين مي‌کند و براين اساس براي آنها رتبه‌هايي را در نظر مي‌گيرد.

خدمات سئو شامل چه مواردي است؟

بررسي و تحليل رقبا به منظور بهبود و تسريع روندکاري سايت
برخورداري از تکنيک‌هاي کارآمد و موثر بهينه سازي سايت براي افزايش نرخ CTR
بررسي و آناليز نرخ تبديل وبسايت و ارائه راهکارهايي بهينه براي افزايش نرخ تبديل بهينه سازي سئو داخلي و به کاربردن
ابزارهاي آناليز سايت
افزايش رتبه سايت در موتور جستجوي گوگل
تهيه گزارش رنود و عملکرد سئو سايت در هر ماه
آموزش و مشاوره در حوزه توليد محتواي ارزشمند و بهينه
ارائه مشاوره در حوزه برندسازي و بازاريابي به صورت اينترنتي
آناليز سايت و بررسي اشکالات و خطاهاي کدنويسي و ساختاري سايت
آموزش توليد محتوا و مقاله هاي مرتبط با کسب و کار
ارائه مشاوره براي انتخاب مناسب‌ترين کلمات کليدي براي افزايش رنکينگ سايت در گوگل
هدف از انجام سئو و بهينه سازي سايت

برندسازي تاثير طولاني مدت و پايدار
ارائه خدمات به مشتريان و افزايش فروش
بازاريابي مستقيم
افزايش بازديد و ترافيک سايت
افزايش شهرت و اعتبار
شرکت‌هايي که سئو و بهينه سازي وبسايت را انجام مي‌دهند، مي‌توانند انواع فعاليت‌ها را براي بالا بردن اعتبار سايت انجام دهند. اين شرکت‌ها به بهبود رتبه بندي وبسايت در گوگل کمک مي‌کنند، اين فعاليت‌ها شامل بازاريابي محتوايي، فعاليت در شبکه‌هاي اجتماعي، بازاريابي آنلاين و تجزيه و تحليل است.

بررسي کلمات کليدي

پيش از انجام هر اقدامي براي بهبود رتبه سايت بايد کليدواژه‌هاي هدفمند و بهينه را شناسايي و بررسي کرد. اين کار تنها از طريق سئوکاران و کارشناسان سئو انجام مي‌شود. آنها با برخورداري از تجربه و دانش تخصصي خود کسب و کار را بررسي مي‌کنند و با آناليز رقبا کلمات کليدي مناسب را انتخاب مي‌کنند. کلمات کليدي مناسب در ساخت لينک نيز به شدت نتايج را تحت تاثير قرار مي‌دهند.

بهينه سازي اوليه سايت

سئو سايت معمولا شامل جمع آوري کلمات کليدي و متا توضيحات است، که در واقع اين همان چيزي است که کاربران آن را در صفحه نتايج جستجو مشاهده مي‌کنند. اين موضوع همچنين شامل عناوين صفحه، به روزرساني عنوان و کلمات کليدي مهم است. مهم ترين گام براي سايت‌هاي جديد تجاري، ارسال اطلاعات و خدمات به موتورهاي جستجو به خصوص گوگل است. با وجود آن که در پايان موتورهاي جستجو سايت را به واسطه ي پيوندهاي ايجاد شده پيدا خواهند کرد، مي‌توان با ارسال آنها به فهرست خود اين روند را سرعت بخشيد.

متخصصان بر اين باورند که اشخاصي که به فرآيند سئو وب سايت مي‌پردازند بايد حتما از همه‌ي تغييرات موتورهاي جستجو و الگوريتم‌هاي گوگل مطلع باشند و تمامي فاکتورهايي را که باعث افزايش ترافيک سايت مي‌شود را کشف کنند. 

از طريق خدمات سئو مي‌توان با کمترين هزينه در فضاي اينترنت کسب و کار را تبليغ و خود را از هزينه‌هاي اضافي براي بروشور و کاتالوگ و ديگر روش‌هاي تبليغاتي بي نياز کرد.

If only certain competitors can outperform their search rankings and the rankings of other competitors are not changing, it may be simply overtaken by the competitor ’s SEO performance. Examine the status of links and content on competing sites that have risen in ranking and examine the factors that have resulted in good results from targeted web traffic competing sites. And incorporate those factors into your content marketing strategy.

Check for new links

Check Ahrefs to see if competitors are getting new backlinks that boost their rankings. If a competing site gets a useful link, look for ways to get that link on your website. The Everest method mentioned above is effective.

Investigate content changes

Investigate what changes the competitor has made to the content. Compare the after-sales of competing content using Way back Machine, which lets you examine past pages.

Check for changes at the following points: Especially information and topics newly added to the content. have you ever thought to buy targeted organic website traffic but paused thinking you could develop other strategies on your own? If you find information on a competing site that is not on your site, add more detailed information to your content than the competing site. In recent years, SEO"s search intent is more important than anything else, so it is essential to update content that always provides information that matches the search intent.

  • title

  • Meta description

  • content

  • Anchor text

6. Check user experience

Investigate whether the user experience (UX, user experience) is declining. If changes to websites that can degrade the user experience reduce the clickthrough rate (CTR) in search results, it can negatively impact your rankings. Although Google denies it, a common belief that many SEO experts support is that “UX has some impact on rankings”.

Therefore, if you make changes to the website that affect UX, we will investigate if there is any negative impact on the data in the following items. You can get this data from Google Analytics or Google Search Console.

  • Bounce rate


    • Internal link, navigation optimization

  • Stay time

    • Utilization of video content

  • Page load time

    • Measure and improve with Page Speed ??Insights

  • Clickthrough rate for SERPs

    • Optimize title tags and meta descriptions

    • Utilization of rich results

  • content

    • Content that matches the user"s search intention

    • Optimizing readability on mobile



      • font

      • Row height

      • color

Conclusion: Appropriate improvement plans and proactive measures are important

In this guide, we ’ve covered how to deal with Google ’s lost search rankings based on three simple points:

  • Identify pages and keywords that have lost ranking

  • Investigate why the ranking has dropped

  • What to do to improve the situation

A sharp drop in search ranking can be recovered by clarifying this point and executing the improvement plan with the correct means. However, to quickly resolve these SEO issues, it is important to keep your website monitored. Buy organic website traffic! We will deliver highly targeted traffic to you based upon (up to three) keywords that you provide! You can further target by geography. Increase your odds of success and targeted organic search traffic. If you ’re constantly monitoring your website and tracking keyword rankings, you ’ll be able to quickly identify problems in the event of a problem.

As a matter of course, Google Search Console and Google Analytics have paid SEO tools in place to prevent problems for the entire website, not just SEO. If you are considering introducing a new tool, check out this tool list.


Step 1: Understand the user"s goal and get acquainted with the reasons for buying people 

What is the purpose of the target market?

First, it"s better to have a detailed explanation of the target market. The target market is a small part of the market available to people who have the potential to buy from them. Come with a simple example of this. You"re probably selling car tires. Well, you can at least have access to the market of a city. So, this will be available to you, but this market will only be part of the automotive community and will require car tire, so your target market is in fact a collection of people who have a car.

Target market targeting is not limited to these. You should collect another collection of customer information so that you can make better advertising based on that information.


One of this information. Admittedly, there are major differences in the way women are absorbed by . Because every gender, depending on its intrinsic morale, first looks at the part of your product. For example, when you sell a product, it may be the first thing a woman might think about the look and feel of the product, but maybe she first started with other factors such as quality and price. Of course, this does not mean that both peoples are ignorant of all the factors.

Not at all, but our point is that they inherently care about what factors before anything and you have to highlight those factors. For example, when you"re offering a mobile phone, you need to highlight the beauty of girls for more than anything else in your ad text, and when your audience is over, you should be more than anything else and price. Of course, you should try to show all the invoices for both. But you need to know what to highlight for any gender so that your ad is more useful.


One of the things you need to consider when collecting information from your community is the location of your potential customers. For example, if people in your target community are in your place of residence, in other words, you are in a city, you should place things like free and one-day in your service and highlight it in your ad text for your customer or if your target market In another city, you need to provide in-person purchasing services to your customers. For example, buying online or paying a home door and so on.

All of this should be based on the location of your customers in the context of your ad text, which will dramatically increase your sales.

Income level

The income level is one of the other information that you should get about your customers. Certainly, in current economic conditions, they cannot afford to open their own market or at least welcome them, so they cannot prioritize products and services that are of good quality and price. With more people out and about during the summer months, buy mobile traffic to catch them right where they are at. One of your best prospects might be on vacation standing in a three-hour line at Disney right now waiting to ride a rollercoaster and is killing time getting a jump on their business goals trying to find YOU! All mobile traffic comes from iOS and Android devices. You can even targeted web traffic by category! So, if most of your target community has a low level of income, try to make sure you get competitive prices or discount deals and highlight it in your ad text. This item can easily convince people in your target community to buy and multiply your sales.

education level

One of the other things you need to do about your community is the type of level of education and information it has. You must be able to present your products to people who understand and understand your goals. For example, if you want to sell a dynamo to a graduate student in the field of electronics, you should mention very specialized items such as torque and power consumption, etc. But when you want to sell this dynamo to a normal person, mention these items. Not only does it not help, it will make the person get too cold, so in this case you need to have power and power consumption and optimize it so you can attract more customers.


Age is another factor that you should take about your community. People generally come in for a certain amount of time to pay for products or services. For example, if you advertise a blue gun for thousands of times to an old man or an old woman, he will not be willing to buy such a product for himself. But it"s enough to show a little bit of this product with a jolt for a child or teenager to see a fantastic result.

Of course, this is not limited to gadgets and the like. Some of these are rooted in the culture and nature of humans, and this is a very powerful moving device for purchasing. You can certainly not experience good sales if you cannot use it. In the following, we will explain more about the incentives to buy, but here"s a small example that you can easily understand the importance of age and age in collecting information from your target community. For example, women generally experience pregnancy and motherhood between the ages of 20 and 35 to 40, and then enter a period of physiology, which means that menopause and the power of pregnancy and their ual desire decrease, so if you have special products Pregnancy or pregnancy. People who are less than 20 years of age or over 40 must be removed from the circle of your customers and try to focus on people who are at this age range.

Once you have identified your target market, you now have to look for other tips that help you promote and sell.

Literature and customer tone

You need to know what customers are buying from you and which customers are generally more comfortable with what literature. Even attracting the attention of each stratum of the community itself. For example, if you are a cartoon selling luxury cars, you should certainly know that only a few people in the community have the power to buy from you, so the first cartoon is to target that cortex. We aim to target you with very complete information.

For example, what kind of media are they, how often do they spend their free time, how often do they go to their favorite media, when will they buy website traffic or not? most of your buyers are women or men . There are some questions you should answer and act on them. 

Typically, for the sale of a graduate or student product, you should know that the corps you are looking for is not enough time to stay on the social network and generally check out the media at the end of the night. On the other hand, student groups cannot always cost a lot to buy products, so you should be able to compete in the price of your advertisement. This is not the only part of the story. You should know that this cortex is generally a young person and may be more comfortable with a friendly and intimate tone. As the luxury of a car is the most formal, the better you have, the better you have before you do anything. Complete your target market.

Buying method

The other thing you need to know about your buyers is actually their buying order. You need to know if these people regularly buy their products? Or they buy it once a year or at a certain period of their lives? This tip helps you to get exactly what you want in your market life. For example, ancestors only collect a test book at the end of the year, and after admission to the university they do not need it, so promoting students for no return. Of course, it"s easy to know what to do and say, so what"s the need for it, but it"s not so easy to diagnose. Suppose you are selling an unnecessary product, for example, a special tour to the Mediterranean coast.

At this time, can you easily identify which corners and when is the best time for your advertising?

In this case, you can provide services to several groups. The first is the people who plan for their honeymoon. These people cannot be limited to specific media and places, but surely the tune of your ad must be different to attract them. The more romantic and beautiful your trip is, the more likely you are to get those people. But most of your potential can be for people who are struggling to work or study and who need to travel a bit. You can find these people in different media. Especially places that are interesting and uplifting every day, because these people need to change their mental conditions after work and study. To attract these people, you need to be more pleasurable and more relaxed to reach your destination so that you can absorb them or those who are struggling to endure one year of stressful education or other people.

Reasons to buy people:

The next principle you should follow for a good advertisement is in fact the motivation to buy your customers.

Why do not your customers buy from you at all?

This question, though perhaps a bit primitive, has a great impact on your strategy. Some are goods that are bought almost once a week or so. Like milk and milk. People generally do this in a recurring cycle.

The main reason for these purchases is, in fact, that they are not so relevant to you as an incentive and motive incentive, so if you are the seller of these products, the more customers may come to you, showing the fit between quality and price. Do not advertise or advertise these people, whether they buy it or not, and if you do not attract them, your competitors will do it.

But there is another category of businesses that can almost be said that their account is separate from this category of work. For example, we can refer to the example of recreational tours. Obviously, not everyone wants to buy a tour or prefer other ways to get tired.

The art of an advertiser that he wants to create a motive in the market setup to force people to buy from him .

For example, you need to explain to young couples how romantic and enjoyable your destination is and for those who are under stress to be relaxed. In both cases, you should be able to display the price effectively.

It is not always the cause of a purchase of stress and stress relief, but there are more factors that people incite to buy a product, including the reasons for reaching a dream or a goal. There are many people who buy books or different tools in hopes of success in a quiz or a hard exam. These people, except in the framework of these goals, are not willing to buy such products, and they are practically suitable for a certain period. Therefore, you should be clear in the text of your advertisement in a way that helps the product achieve its dream and purpose. Point out how you can convince your audience to buy.

One of the motivations that people can buy from you is to solve problems. For example, when you want to sell a wheelchair or an artificial arm, you need to be sure, before considering other issues, how much this product can solve the customer"s problems. In these cases, attention to other issues is slightly deviant.

Most of the gadgets can solve one of the everyday problems of humans. In fact, their goal is to do this. If you can find these reasons and concentrate on them, you can certainly sell well.

One of the things that can motivate you to buy your customers is some of the emotions of human nature. For example, a feeling of need for beauty, a feeling of need to be seen, a feeling of pride, and . all are the things that you can concentrate on if you can, you can well convince customers to buy. For example, cosmetics and cosmetics are, in fact, the philosophy of the need for beauty and attracting the attention of others. So, if you want to sell a product, be sure to know what your customers want to buy from you because they are why they need your products. 

Conclusion The first step is the propaganda magic:

Buy website Traffic cheap and bring customers to your website and as a conclusion, keep in mind that in today"s free economic world there are always rivals for you. Even if you provide the first sample of a product, then after you enter the market and your competitors compete, then people can win the field in a manner that is appropriate to the principles and manner that they can handle, according to the needs of their customers. In the next session, we try to explain the title to you, so it"s better not to miss the next episode.


The attraction of the customer today is of importance. The customer attraction has its own special tricks and keeps the client and turns it into a stable customer. It"s really a skill that you can turn your customers into a steady customer, with this way of selling and as a result your profit will also increase. You should try to buy website traffic and  provide your services in such a way that you can also be among those with many steady customers. Here are five ways in which you can attract more steady customers:

First Method - Customer Relationship

This method is one of the most important methods that is always prioritized. It’s important to know how you can connect with your customers. Staying customers and becoming steady customers means a good relationship between a vendor and its customers.

If a seller does not behave well with customers and does not have a good social relationship, then over time, the loss of all his customers, but a seller who behaves well with his customers finds that not only new customers are added Instead, customers become converting to regular customers, and this is the beginning of a good deal for the vendor. For those who do business on the Internet, this is the same. They should create a space for their users, which suggests that you are always on the site as a vendor and welcome your purchase, comments and suggestions.

It also makes them permanent users. In fact, you need to increase the value of a customer"s lifetime, and it is possible with your good relationship with them. You can stay in the customer"s mind and stay alive with this method, and only buy from you whenever you want to buy your products. This method has another positive effect, which is that your customers also introduce you to others. With this method, you have gotten new customers and turned your previous customers into fixed customers.

The second method - the customer will be your priority

Maybe ask yourself what? There are many vendors that are not the top priority for their customers, and this will leave their goal of proving customers. Even in some cases, customers were down. If you can think about it and find a solution that is important to you or money? This is a very important question that can identify your homework in your business.

If your winner is money, make sure it does not get it. When you think about money, it no longer matters to you how you behave with the customer or anything else. By doing this, you lose your customers after a short time. But if your answer is good, this is the first step for the customer to stop. When you put your customer"s priority, your goal is to get the customer happy, even sometimes you can sell a product at a much lower price. Do not think that you are losing. On the contrary, you benefit from a long-term investment.

Maybe you"ve sold your product at a lower price, but this behavior stays in the customer"s mind and they prefer to always make your purchases. As a result, they become regular customers. On the other hand, they will promote your work. It will introduce you to others and new customers will come to you. So, check your preferences before you start and then decide to work and try to prioritize your customer satisfaction.

Third method - be promising

Promising is one of the most important issues during a customer. When the customer orders a product and the time you consider and declare, you must try to reach the customer at the same time. If you want to be late, you have made it and you will lose your customers by repeating it because customers are very sensitive to time management and expect their product to be delivered to time. If you promise them, for example, that you want to bring new products next week, you must bring their products next week and put them on the site. If you want to be smart, customers will lose their trust in them and they will leave your site. And others do not trust your words.

If you get a new order that you do not currently have on your site, you should bring the product and send it to you, according to the promise you gave your customer. So promising may sound simplistic, but when you put it into action, you"ll find that it"s not hard, but you need to be careful not to fool your customer, especially for new customers who want to use your service first. Target the traffic you want by geography or category with our Targeted Web Traffic. We offer state-specific and National Traffic that is all trackable on Google Analytics. If they see the first time you are not at all an outspoken one, they will not buy you anymore, which could have a negative effect on you, as it may tell your friends not to buy from your site.

Fourth method - quality products

Product quality is one of the most important factors. You need to be sure of the product you give the customer. First, consider yourself a customer and place yourself at the customer"s disposal and see if you are satisfied with the product you want to give your customers? If you give poor quality products to customers, you lose their trust in the first time, and then customers will be discouraged from buying from your site. You should keep in mind that poor product quality is not just a loss for that customer, but you will also have new customers because you are rejecting your adverts and positive comments that you can succeed. So, make sure you do not deserve it. First, make sure you get the quality of your products and then take them to your hands.

On the other hand, by placing the polling section you can know the quality of your products. By doing so, even if you send a non-quality product to the customer, it"s unwittingly and in the poll section to know that this is the case. As a result, you are trying to send that product again to a better quality and try to get it from now on. Have quality products. This creates a sense of trust in customers and makes your customers after a while turn into constant customers and, as a result, will increase your profit.

Fifth method - answer customer questions

It will be for each customer to ask questions from the seller about the products they are visiting and want to buy, which, of course, is the right of a customer. As a vendor, you should answer your customers" questions with great patience. If you do not get shaken and answer the questions behind, you will lose the trust of your customers over time and this will not work for you.

On the other hand, you can consider a section called Q & A on your site (you can consider this section below each of your products, so if new customers have the same questions, they can use the answer you gave.). This is one of the most effective methods in the marketing and sales system that has been studied in recent years and has been very positive. Many online stores today use this method, and you can view the product in the Q & A or comments section as well as other comments from other users so you can better decide on the product you are looking for.


Customer Relationship and Customer Relationship Today, an important issue in the targeted email marketing and sales system is a lot of research and review. In fact, selling a product and having fixed customers is another matter, of course, we are more focused on the latter, so we need to turn our customers into ever-changing customers. Just look at the basics that we examined in this article. You should be good friends with your customers. As you try to keep a good friend, you need to try as much as you can to keep a customer.


افزايش ترافيک سايت موضوعي است که مي خواهيم در اين مقاله به آن بپردازيم. امروزه با توجه به ايجاد وب سايت هاي مختلف با موضوعات مختلف ،رقابتي ايجاد شده است که باعث ميشود هر وب سايتي بنابر کيفيت کاري که ارائه مي دهد محبوبيت داشته باشد. يکي از راه هاي ديده شدن هر وب سايتي اين است که بتواند بازديد کننده و يا افزايش ترافيک سايت داشته باشد و اگر يک وب سايت بازديد کننده نداشته باشد نخواهد توانست به موفقيت دست پيدا کند.

روش هاي افزايش ترافيک وب سايت

براي افزايش ترافيک سايت راه هاي زيادي وجود دارد که با به کارگيري اين راه هاي اصولي مي توان بازديد يک وب سايت را به صورت روزانه افزايش داد و وظيفه هر وب مستري است که به اين اصول ها اشراف کامل داشته باشد.در کل به روش هايي که به جهت بهينه سازي وب سايت براي افزايش ترافيک سايت به کار گرفته مي شود سئو گفته ميشود و ما در اين مقاله مي خواهيم جديدترين راه هاي افزايش ترافيک سايت را مورد بررسي قرار دهيم.



1. وب سايت را براي نمايش در هر دستگاهي بهينه کنيد

امروزه استفاده از موبايل و تبلت بسيار بيشتر شده است و حتي طبق آمارها بازديدهاي اينترنتي که امروزه صورت مي گيرد بيشتر با استفاده از دستگاه هاي همراه مانند موبايل ها و تبلت ها مي باشد.بنابراين هر وب سايتي که براي نمايش درست در دستگاه هاي همراه بهينه شده باشد باعث ميشود که گوگل آن وب سايت را در نتايج جستجوها براي گوشي هاي موبايل قرار دهد و اين خود يکي از روش هاي افزايش ترافيک سايت مي باشد. اين مسئله به حدي مهم است که در سال جديد گوگل بهينه بودن وب سايت براي گوشي هاي همراه و يا تبلت ها را جزء فاکتورهاي سئو قلمداد کرده است. پس وب سايت خود را به خوبي براي نمايش در دستگاه هاي همراه بهينه کنيد.



2.سرعت لود وب سايت در افزايس ترافيک سايت بسيار موثر است

وقتي کاربران وارد يک وب سايت مي شوند معمولا وقت اين را نخواهند داشت تا مدت زيادي را صبر کنند تا وب سايت لود شود و اگر يک وب سايت از سرعت لودينگ پاييني برخوردار بوده باشد بازديد کننده هاي خود را از دست خواهند داد. يکي از فاکتورهاي مهم افزايش ترافيک سايت اين است که سرعت لود وب سايت را افزايش دهيد تا وقتي کاربري ميخواهد صفحه وب سايت شما را باز کند، آن صفجه خيلي سريع لود شود که خود باعث افزايش ترافيک و بازديد کننده ها خواهد شد و از نظر گوگل نيز امتياز خوبي را به دست مي آورد.



3.قدرت شبکه هاي اجتماعي را دست کم نگيريد

شبکه هاي اجتماعي يکي از بالقوه ترين ابزارها براي افزايش ترافيک سايت مي باشند.براي اين که از قدرت افزايش بازديد کننده توسط شبکه هاي اجتماعي برخوردار باشيد بايد در هر شبکه يک پيج براي وب سايت خود داشته باشيد و وقتي مطالبي را در وب سايت قرار ميدهيد، بخشي از مطالب را در شبکه هاي اجتماعي نيز منتشر کرده و به صفحات وب سايت لينک دهيد به اين صورت شاهد افزايش چشمگير بازديد کننده گان وب سايت خود خواهيد شد. خصوصا امروزه که بسياري از شبکه هاي اجتماعي قابليت هاي بسيار خوبي را در اختيار صاحبان وب سايت ها و کسب و کارهاي آنلاين قرار داده است تا بتوانند بازار يابي خوبي را داشته باشند.

همچنين درصد بسيار بالايي از مردم وقتشان را در شبکه هاي اجتماعي مي گذرانند و اگر شما بتوانيد صفحات قدرتمندي از نظر ساختار و محتوا در شبکه هاي اجتماعي داشته باشيد شاهد افزايش ترافيک سايت خواهيد بود و خود يکي از روش هاي حرفه اي بهتر کردن سئوي وب سايت است.

4.بک لينک ها و رپورتاژ آگهي ( تبليغات اينترنتي )

هرچند ايجاد بک لينک هاي مناسب از روش هاي قديمي در افزايش ترافيک سايت مي باشد ولي امروزه هم با رويکردي جديد وارد عمل شده است. تبليغات اينترنتي در وب سايت هاي مرتبط با موضوع وب سايت شما و يا تبليغات در سايت هاي پربازديد از جمله روش هايي است که امروزه شما ميتوانيد با استفاده از اين روش ها بازديد وب سايت خود را افزايش دهيد. به عنوان مثال رپورتاژ آگهي از جمله موارد خوب و کاربردي در زمينه تبليغات است که اگر به صورت اصولي مورد استفاده قرار گيرد باعث افزايش ترافيک ساي)(Targeted web traffic) خواهد شد.

موضوع مهم در استفاده از بک لينک ها و دادن اگهي هاي اينترنتي اين است که بايد سعي کنيد در وب سايت هايي آگهي بديد و از آن ها بک لينک بگيريد که اولا با موضوع وب سايت شما ارتباط داشته باشد و دوم اين که از امتياز و رتبه بالايي برخوردار بوده باشد چرا که تبادل لينک با وب سايت هايي با رتبه کم باعث مي شود بازديدکنندگان آنچناني نداشته باشيد.



5.استفاده از ظاهر مناسب و رنگبندي درست ( گرافيک خوب )

شايد باورتان نشود که ساختار گرافيکي يک وب سايت و ترکيبات رنگي چقدر در جذب بازديد کننده ها و تبديل بازديد کننده به مشتريان تاثير دارد.وقتي شما در وب سايت خودتان از ترکيبات رنگي مناسب و چشم نواز استفاده کنيد و همچنين ساختار وب سايت شما به گونه اي باشد که کاربران بتوانند خيلي راحت به مطالب مورد نظرشان دسترسي داشته باشند باعث خواهد شد که هر بازديد کننده اي که فقط براي يک بار به وب سايت شما مراجعه مي کند ماندگار شده و حتي افراد ديگري را نيز به وب سايت شما بياورد و به اين ترتيب يک بازديد کننده به مشتريان هميشگي تبديل خواهد شد.

بايد به شدت از شلوغ کردن صفحات وب سايت خود پرهيز کنيد و هر مطالب و يا آگهي را در سايت قرار ندهيد چرا که وقتي بازديدکنندگان به وب سايت( مراجعه کنند و با صفحه اي شلوغ مواجه شوند سردرگم شده و خيلي سريع وب سايت را ترک خواهند کرد، پس براي افزايش ترافيک سايت حتما موضوع گرافيک را در نظر داشته باشيد تا بتوانيد يک صفحه وب سايت خوب و آرام را تحويل کاربران خود دهيد و باعث شويد که کاربراني که به وب سايت شما رجوع ميکنند احساس خوبي داشته باشند.

در ادامه بايد اشاره کردن که تصاويري را که در وب سايت قرار ميدهيد را نيز بايد سئو کنيد. بسياري از افراد مطالب خود در وب سايت را سئو ميکنند و از کلمات کليدي و روش هاي مختلفي براي سئوي مطالب استفاده مي کنند ولي فراموش مي کنند که بهينه سازي تصاوير چقدر باعث خواهد شد که ترافيک وب سايت افزايش پيدا کند.

گوگل توجه بسياري زيادي را به سئوي تصاوير دارد و اگر سئوي يک تصوير در سايت به خوبي رعايت نشده باشد باعث افت امتياز سئو در سايت خواهد شد. مسائلي مانند استفاده از توضيحات تصاوير (alt ) نيز يکي از گزينه هاي مهم در بهينه سازي تصاوير ميباشد. از موارد ديگر بهينه سازي تصاوير فشرده کردن تصوير است که خود يکي از عوامل افزايش سرعت سايت خواهد بود و تمامي اين موارد هستند که هر کدام در جايگاه خود باعث مي شود که يک وب سايت بتواند به خوبي در بين هزاران وب سايت ديده شود و يا خير.

در اين جا به چند مورد از اصلي ترين موارد افزايش ترافيک وب سايت اشاره شده که شما مي توانيد با به کارگيري صحيح اين موارد بازديد کنندگان وب سايت خودتان را افزايش دهيد.






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محل تبلیغات شما محل تبلیغات شما

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تولید محتوا تخصصی غذا و دسر بيت کوين مطلب سرا - مطالب عمومی و دانستنی پولکی عاشقانه ترين وب سايت عاشقانه=چشمان سبز نفیس24 فروشگاه اینترنتی لوازم خانگی و کالای دیجیتال وبلاگ عکس ها من ، خودم و غزالی